Razor Kids Products

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Product: Ripstik Caster
Price: varies
Rating: 8+ must have
Purchase Date:  2009

This was the must have toy for Christmas 2009.  It took a little bit for the kids to learn to use it without falling right off, ages 7 and 8 at the time. They kept getting right back on it to this day, over a year later.  I do recomend you purchase some pads and a helmet, because they will fall down alot more than likely at first.  Never a complaint one though, has held up well, all their friends ride it, they use it on the skateboard ramps we bought, my boys don't even touch their real skateboards anymore!  I rate this a must have for any child over 8!

Product: Razor A2 Scooter
Price: 29.99 and up
Rating: 4 outta 5
Purchase Date: 2008

Improvement over the original A model(which I won't review).  The wheels are small on this model, it rides really smooth on the asphalt.  Razor scooters have been a constant hit in my house since 2008.  This model works best for ages 5-8 I would say (the handle bars on this model don't go that high).  It folds up really easily for transport. Cons on this were that our wheels warped pretty fast (maybe the heat from the black asphalt?). You can replace these on all models and they do have a limited warranty. This model has a little kick thing on the back you can put your foot on and do tricks.  My kids did not utilized this feature.  Also if your kids are in the habit of throwing it down, the foam on the handlebars tears up pretty quickly.  Overall I give this product a rating of 4 outta 5.

Product: Razor A3 kick scooter
Price: 39.99 and up
Rating: 5 outta 5
Purchase Date: Spring 2010

Good scooter, foldable, great for ages 8 plus, bought for my 8 year olds birthday.  Wheels are larger and it is a little higher off the ground than the A and A2 model. Handle bars adjust higher, so I would recommend it for ages 8-12, unless you have a really tall 6 or 7 year old.  This model still has the foam handle bars that tear up(seems like a hard plastic grip would be better). :(...  I <3 Razor, I rate this product a 5 outta 5!

Product: Razor Powerwing Scooter
Price: varies
Rating: Cannot personally rate item
Purchase Date: Observed use

I did not purchase this scooter myself, neighbors were nice enough to let my kids use theirs.  Nice hand break feature, wiggle your hips back and foward to make this little scooter cast and scoot right along, you can really get some speed on this fella.  You don't have to worry about the kids dropping it on the ground or finding somewhere to lean it since it stands on its own.  Con, height isnt adjustable, I think its appropriate for ages 6 and up, the kids in the neighborhood take turns on them every day.

Product: RazoR Pink Lil' Kick Scooter (Avail in Pink or Blue)Click Photo
Price: varies
Rating: 3 outta 5
Purchase Date: 2009

I say this best suits a 3/4 year old.  We actually bought it second hand for my 3 year old daughter at the time.  Height is not adjustable but it was perfect for her.  Handles are designed perfectly.  Large front wheel with two smaller rear wheels, no break system.  I rate this 3 outta 5 because it does not have any break system and that little flap thing in the back is defiantly inconvenient to a 3/4 year old.

Product: Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter (Avail in Pink/Blue)
Price: $30-$40
Rating: 4 outta 5
Purchase Date: 2009

This model is much better than the above listed one.  It has wheel covers in the rear, rides smoother, the foot area is wider, height is adjustable, it has soft grips and it folds up.  I recommend this particular model for ages 4-6.  I rate this product a 4 outta 5 because again, no break option!

Product: Razor Rip-Rider 360/Caster/Drifter
Price: 89.99 (click the photo)
Rating: must have
Purchase Date: 2010

Bought for the 9 year old, its an awesome toy, no kid in the neighborhood had one, and they all love it.  Great for ages 7-13ish.  My son actually ended up removing the seat and he stands on it and pushes it like a scooter, then drifts it that way, guess its more comfortable than peddling.  No complaints, Razor has excellent customer service. We lost the seat bolts, contacted Razor via email, they responded promptly and shipped me new bolts at no charge! Now that service keeps me coming back!

1 comment:

  1. Hey...I was just surfing net and came across this blog and i found this blog really interesting and informative. I really like these kids scooter and are of latest models.
